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Current Exhibitions

빛의 시어터 공동기획전

In 2024, to celebrate the 120th anniversary of Lee Ungno’s birth, the Lee Ungno Museum and Théâtre des Lumières joined forces to host an immersive media art exhibition entitled, “Lee Ungno: A Magnificent Artistic Journey, Seoul-Paris.” Lee was an extremely prolific artist, producing artworks—in his unique style—well into his eighties, including Abstract Letter and People. He never stopped creating, regardless of his circumstances. Indeed, even while he was imprisoned due to being inadvertently swept up in the tumultuous political environment of 20th-century Korea, Lee sculpted with rice grains and painted with soy sauce. 


As suggested by his first nom-de-plum, Juksa (“juk” is the Chinese character for “bamboo”) , Lee debuted in the Korean art community through his bamboo paintings. Rather than sticking to the techniques of classical Eastern painting, however, he spent his career experimenting with ink-and-wash abstract and formative art to create a style all his own. In his mid-fifties, an age that was considered at the time to be too late to start afresh, Lee left behind his accomplishments and reputation in Korea to move to France, where he began engaging in a completely different brand of art. It was in his adopted country that the majority of the formative artworks that we call “Abstract Letters” and the People series, which is believed to be the pinnacle of Lee’s oeuvre, were created.


An even cursory perusal of Lee’s artistic journey easily brings the viewer to the conclusion that, were he alive today, he would still be passionately experimenting. His hope, in a sense, may have been to live forever through his work. This exhibition breathes new life into Lee’s work through immersive media art, quietly upholding his boundlessly imaginative techniques to convey them more fully to the 21st-century viewer.


The act of consuming culture, such as appreciating a work of art or listening to music, usually does not culminate in immediate financial benefit or a significant change in one’s life. There is no question, nevertheless, that exposure to high-quality art opens up the door to an enriched life and broader perspective. Cultural experience is invaluable because it is visceral—something that cannot be done for you. The same holds true for this exhibition, where technologies (provided by Théâtre des Lumières), designed to maximize the effects of sound and space, make it most effective when attended in person.


Today, immersive media art is recognized as a medium that stimulates the senses through the interaction of technology and the visitor. What do the figures in the People series look like when transformed for a 21st-century audience? We hope everyone who visits will have some fun thinking about the answer while viewing Lee’s illuminated creations and discover a new way to appreciate art that is both edifying and memorable.



#157, Dunsan-daero, Seo-gu, Daejeon, 35204, South Korea / Tel : 042) 611-9800 / Fax : 042) 611-9819

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