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The Academy of Oriental Painting in Paris

Goam Academy

고암 아카데미 외부 전경 Goam Academy Exterior

- Architect: Jean-Michel Wilmotte, Swiss
- Dimensions: ~400 sq. m. (plot), 288 sq. m. (building)
※ The Academy comprises Atelier 1, Class 1, Office 1, lobby, and courtyard

- Following the Academy of Oriental Painting in Paris that Lee Ungno established in 1964, the Goam Academy teaches Eastern painting to local students
- The Academy is currently run by Park Inkyung and Lee Yoongse; some lectures are given at the Cernuschi Museum and other venues as well
※ More than three thousand students have studied at the Academy thus far



#157, Dunsan-daero, Seo-gu, Daejeon, 35204, South Korea / Tel : 042) 611-9800 / Fax : 042) 611-9819